Ways of Working, The sainsbury centre

I’ve been attending the artist development programme, Ways of Working (f.k.a The Artist’s Programme) at The Sainsbury Centre since 2017. The works on this page all came out of projects made through those sessions. 

The Sainsbury Centre Artists Development Programme provides peer-led learning opportunities, networking, and professional development in a mutually supportive context. This collaborative initiative supports the development of research and practice through a series of artist-led discussions, making sessions, and critical enquiry.

Current artists on the programme: Rach Anstey-Sanders / Liz Ballard / Hannelore Baxter / Chris Blackburn / Ian Brownlie / Francesca Cant / James Epps / Kaitlin Ferguson / Mike Goddard / Caroline Hack / Ali Hewson / Dot Howard / Clare Jarrett / Henry Jackson Newcomb / Lizzie Kimbley / Georgie Manly / Jennie Pedley / Anna Reckin / Genevieve Rudd

A tour of the collection, 2023

Ways of Working has led me to respond to the collection in a multitude of ways.  This video brings together my interests in making, humour and film.  


One of the most impactful moments for me included modelling small quick versions of objects from the collection. Creating quick reproductions through lots of different materials was liberating and not something I would usually do. I’ve continued that process for this project, followed by filming my versions in situ within the collection. 

Photographs by Katharine Mager

A studio tour, November 2021


Over lockdown, when we were all further away from each other and the regular Sainsbury Centre meetings, we each held a studio tour via Zoom. I spent a while making mine into a video instead, so I could include more of the things I was interested in and experimenting with. 

It also contains lessons in sound, a live performance and some strange video editing examples. 

A Very Strange Event, 2021 


On Sunday I went to the old Radar Station on Salthouse Heath at the top of the hill as part of a sunny site visit. The day quickly turned very strange and unsettling when a dog got into the field and chased a sheep into this brick structure. We couldn’t see what was happening but there were horrible deep breaking sounds mixed with yelps, it sounded like a bloodbath. After some deliberation I went into the field and tried to stop the fight just before the owner turned up. Luckily both animals seemed ok, and the dog wasn’t very big. The sheep was charging and throwing the dog into the metal fencing, I think it would have won.

I got back to Norwich last night and spent the evening trying to record the chaotic feeling/memory if it.

Sounds from: Minilogue, Guitar, DX21, and a tin of Screws and Nails.